Royce (MIDDLE) and Adriel (RIGHT)) along with Nana Beth Simmons (LEFT), found this orphaned opossum in Fairhaven and got it to a rehabber, so it will eventually be released back into the wild. Submitted photo.
While spending time with Nana Beth Simmons on Adams Street in Fairhaven, Royce and his little brother, Adriel, discovered an orphaned opossum needing help. They immediately notified Nana and she sprung into rescue mode.
She called the police and they got in touch with a local problem animal control agent. The little critter will be taken care of until it is old enough to be out on its own. It will be released to live out its life the way nature intended. Most wildlife can be rehabilitated and sent back into the wild if it is properly rehabbed by a licensed person.

This little orphaned opossum has a chance to get taken care of and released back into the wild, thanks to the actions of Beth Simmons of Fairhaven and her two grandchildren, Royce and Adriel, who called a rehabber to save the little critter. Submitted photo.
If you have a similar situation, you can find a local person at https://www.mass.gov/info-details/find-a-problem-animal-control-agent.
Because of these two young humans this opossum has better odds of living a full life.
Click here for this week’s issue: 08-01-24 Diverseabilities
Click here for the TA’s letter choosing Dorgan for Chief: ALE Letter4Dorgan
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