By Beth David, Editor
At its meeting on 2/1/22, the Acushnet Selectboard began reviewing budgets for FY23. It was the first meeting with newly appointed Interim Town Administrator James Kelley.
Council on Aging Director Heather Chew told the board she needed to have a $500 item for phone service reinstated in her budget. She said she no longer has the ability to transfer people to other town departments.
Ms. Chew also said she needed to hire a part time program coordinator. With COVID testing and other demands, she has been working 44 hours a week instead of her 35.
“I don’t mind, that’s me,” said Ms. Chew, adding that they need to discuss positions, not people. “It’s not a sustainable model.”
Selectboard member Kevin Gaspar asked if the position had been funded with a grant.
Ms. Chew said a position was grant funded, but it was very limited in scope due to the grant specifications. The new position would not have those limitations because it would be a town position.
Ms. Chew noted that the senior center only shut down for two months during COVID, they moved programs outside.
Mr. Gaspar said they would do what they could to find the money to fund the position, saying it was necessary to “take care of our seniors.”
Ms. Chew said she had already met with the Finance Committee and they approved the change.
The board voted unanimously to endorse the changes to her budget.
Animal Control Officer Rebekkah Tomlinson also addressed the board, saying her budget was level funded, and also approved by FinCom. She said everything is working out well the way it is.
She noted that she got her new truck last year, and it is still being retrofitted to work as an animal transport vehicle.
“We still have some things to do with it,” she said, but added that there is still money in that budget for the work.
Mr. Gaspar noted that she is another employee who works more than 35 hours.
“As Heather said, I love my job. I love this town,” said Ms. Tomlinson. “I have no intention of going anywhere else.”
She said she always had the backing of the Selectboard and other departments, and she looks forward to working with new TA, who, she noted, loves animals.
She added that she loves the open door policy and feels comfortable approaching and speaking with town officials.
The board voted unanimously to approve her budget.
The board tabled the discussions on the Library and Planning Department budgets until the next meeting.
The board also discussed a letter from Chad LeClair, the Chairperson of the Parks and Recreation Department. In his letter, Mr. LeClair said he hoped to get funding for a number of projects, including resurfacing the basketball courts and adding more courts and Pope Park; upgrading and moving the concession stand; improving the bathrooms.
He also said he was in favor of making the Lake Street recreation area part of the recreation department.
Pope Park, he said is one of the main attractions of the town and he would like to make it more desirable, as well as other parts of town. It will require appropriate funding and a healthy budget.
Mr. Gaspar said he commended Mr. LeClair for his long term vision for the parks, but added that with the “financial constraints,” they would probably not be done in the near term. Mr. Gaspar said they could “peck away” at some of the items and speak to Mr. LeClair when he goes before them with his budget.
Mr. Wojnar also sang the praises of Pope Park.
“We all see the value of having a really good park infrastructure,” said Mr. Wojnar and what it does for families. “I’ll go to the mat for this.”
He said Mr. LeClair should meet with the town planner and Mr. Kelley to get some technical assistance and set up short, medium and long term goals.
“I commend Chad for speaking up,” said Mr. Wojnar. “I’m all in for what they want to do over there.”
In another matter, the board voted again on approving licenses from their 12/14/21 meeting due to the omission of the list of applicants from the agenda on that date.
The board also acknowledged a violation of the Open Meeting Law for not accepting/adopting minutes from the June 23, 2020 meeting in a timely manner, after a complaint was brought by a resident.
Minutes should be accepted within three meetings or 90 days.
“The board understands its obligation to approve meeting minutes within three metings or 30 days, whichever is later and will endeavor to do so in the future,” said Selectboard chairperson David Desroches. “The board also submits that all board meetings are available for public viewing through links provided on the town’s website.”
In other business, the board approved a common victualer license for Golden Net on S. Main Street, pending an inspection by the health agent, and a clarification of the hours of operation.
Selectboard member David Wojnar took the opportunity to suggest the town highlight businesses on a rotating basis on the town website. He said it would be a little promotion for them to both residents and visitors.
Mr. Desroches said they could discuss it with the web person.
The board also abated a sewer betterment for Allen Street Parcels.
Mr. Gaspar explained that the property was deemed buildable and the parcel was charged. But then the parcel was deemed not buildable, so the town has been abating the betterment annually.
The board also discussed dates and deadlines for articles for the annual town meeting, which will be held on 5/9/22.
Mr. Gaspar suggested that articles should be in by March 11, instead of 3/22, to give everyone time to usher the articles through the process.
The board spent some time discussing the possibility of the Planning Department trying to get a bylaw change passed. With the need to have two hearings and advertise each one for two weeks, it seems unlikely the deadlines will work.
The earlier date, however, will give Mr. Kelley a chance to get the book together.
“I’m only taking away two weeks,” said Mr. Gaspar.
Board members and Mr. Kelley also commended the Department of Public Works for snow plowing during the blizzard. Mr. Kelley noted that they were down 40% of the vehicles they usually have due to equipment breaking down and lack of drivers to begin with.
The board also announced vacancies on a number of boards, including two alternates on the Agricultural Commission, seven on the Beautification Committee, one Housing Authority vacancy on the Community Preservation Committee, 13 vacancies on the Cultural Council, and one on the Open Space Committee.
The town also has no town moderator, who runs town meeting.
Anyone interest in filling a vacancy should visit or contact the Selectboard at Town Hall, 122 Main St., Acushnet, MA 02743.
Click here to download the entire 2/10/22 issue: 02-10-22 HollyFeed
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