Outgoing Acushnet Library Director Dina St. Pierre holds the citation she received from the Selectboard on 4/24/23, L:-R: SB members Bob Hinckley and Keving Gaspar, Ms. St. Pierre, SB Chairperson David Wojnar. Photo by Jen Alves, Library Trustee.
By Beth David, Editor
The Acushnet Selectboard recognized outgoing Library Director Dina St. Pierre at its meeting on 4/24/23. She is moving on after eight years in the position, to go to Dartmouth. Her last day is 5/13.
SB Chairperson David Wojnar said she made a “huge impact” on the community. He said she made the library a space for everyone in Acushnet and surrounding communities. He said the atmosphere that she and her team have created is “really gratifying” to see.
He recounted the history of the building. The Russell Library moved to the former community center, which had also been the Howard School. The town used Old Colony students to renovate the space, and used a variety of funds for the project. He said it was an example of how municipal projects should be done.
“We’re just really fortunate that you’ve been the captain of that ship for all these years,” said Mr. Wojnar.
“I’m extremely sad to see you go,” said SB member Kevin Gaspar, adding that hundreds, if not thousands of people are also sad to see her go.
SB member Bob Hinckley said he has repeatedly told her he appreciates everything she does.
“I will miss you,” said Mr. Hinckley. “And I think you’ve done incredible things for this town.”
Ms. St. Pierre got a little choked up as she addressed the board. She noted with a bit of humor that her first interview was at town hall, not the old Russell Library, probably because they did not want her to see it. She went to see the new library under construction, and she named a list of people she encountered.
She left the interview thinking, “These people gave 100% of their time voluntarily for a new library and I’m going to have to go in there and work for those people and give 100% of my time,” she said. “And I can leave knowing that I’ve given 100% of myself to the town.”
She said she was proud of what they accomplished, it was a team effort.
“We made great things happen,” said Ms. St. Pierre. “We’ve made that a welcoming and inclusive place for the residents of this town and surrounding communities.”
The board presented Ms. St. Pierre with a citation from the board.
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