Miss Apple Peach, Tori Kalisz, marches in the Apple Peach parade in 2019. Submitted photo.
Press Release
Acushnet’s Miss Apple Peach Pageant is seeking contestants for their 41st competition to be held on Friday, September 8th as the kick off to the weekend’s Apple Peach Festival.
The Miss Apple Peach Pageant began in 1980, selecting their first winner, Kara Gagnon, and the most recent winner was Tori Kalisz, Miss Apple Peach 2019. Tori was the 40th young woman to be selected as Miss Apple Peach and she is the current Miss New Bedford.
The pageant is open to all young women from Acushnet in grades 5-12. Students in grades 5-8 will compete for the title of Jr. Miss Apple Peach and students in grades 9-12 will compete for the title of Miss Apple Peach, the winner of which will receive a $500 scholarship. In total, $1,000 will be awarded and sponsored by the Acushnet Lions Club.
There is a $30 registration fee and contestants will compete in four phases of onstage competition. No previous experience is required and there is no talent portion of competition. There will be an orientation meeting for anyone interested on August 19th, which is also the deadline for accepting applications.
To register or for more information, email MissApplePeach@gmail.com.
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