Emelia B. Dube, Salutatorian, Highest Honors. Photo courtesy of Mare Studios.
By Emelia Dube, Fairhaven High School Salutatorian
Good afternoon family, friends, faculty members, and of course, graduates. I am Emelia Dube, and I’d like to start off by thanking those who have offered their advice, instruction, and support these past few years. I would like to say a special thank you to the Fairhaven School Committee, Chair Brian Monroe, Vice Chair Pamela Keuchler, as well as members Kyle Bueno, Donna McKenna, Stasia A. Powers, and Colin Veitch. I want to thank Doctor Baldwin, Mrs. Kohler, and Diane Sullivan for their involvement and dedication to our educational journey through high school.
Thank you to the board of selectmen and guidance department, in addition to our principal, Mr. Kulak, and our assistant principals, Mrs. Millette and Ms. Giannandrea. I’d especially like to thank our teachers who worked diligently alongside us to ensure that our knowledge and understanding continued to grow as the years went on.
Last, but definitely not least, I want to give a huge “thank you” to all the parents, families, and friends. I know I can confidently say that the guidance and encouragement of my parents and close friends helped carry me to where I am today. Too often it takes getting to the end of a journey to become fully aware of the gratitude we have towards our biggest supporters along the way. So to all those who helped this year’s seniors cross the finish line, thank you.
Next I would like to congratulate the Class of 2020. I bet I can speak for all of us and say that we’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. Many of us dreamt of our high school graduation. I know for me walking in as a freshman, this day felt so far away. We were always told that high school would fly by, but things like that are hard to believe until it actually happens. Four short years later and here we are today preparing to go our separate ways.
Our class has learned a very important lesson. One that we will certainly take with us throughout our lives. We have learned that nothing on this earth is ever really promised to us. We never would have thought we would be told that we couldn’t hang out with our friends, go out to eat with our families, or simply shop around the mall on the weekend. Now that these things were taken from us at the end of our last year as high school students, I speak on behalf of my peers when I say that we have taken for granted many precious things in our lives.
I know that as seniors, we were a little shocked when we found out that March 13th had indeed been our very last day of high school. I wish I had held on to that day a little tighter, appreciated Fairhaven High School a little more. Right now we have a unique opportunity to pause and reflect on what gives our lives meaning and purpose. For me, that is the God who created the world and everything in it. Despite life’s uncertainties, I am comforted knowing that God is with me.
The Class of 2020 will most definitely make history. Not only did we work hard throughout our years at Fairhaven High, but we also persevered through these uncertain times and finished the school year strong, in spite of our classes being suddenly switched to online. Even though the end of this year doesn’t look like we expected it to, we can make the best of it and reflect on the many memories we will cherish forever, embracing the laughs and even the tears.
At this time I would like to introduce Olivia Maciel, someone who has worked very hard, excelling in each one of her classes. Through her brilliance and dedication to learning, we watched her surpass us all. She is a committed student, and I am confident she will go far. That being said, she undoubtedly deserves the position she has earned. It is my pleasure to introduce Olivia as this year’s valedictorian.
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