By Beth David, Editor
The Fairhaven Council on Aging/ Senior Center is continuing its mission of helping seniors who may be having trouble getting food during the COVID-19 crisis.
COA Director Anne Silvia and her volunteers filled 100 bags with breakfast food, enough to last 2–3 weeks for one or two people. On Saturday, 5/2/20, volunteers delivered the food to a list of people Ms. Silvia said had been identified as being at risk for not having enough food due to finances, or who just can not get out to get food due to challenges created by the pandemic.
Contents of the bag included English muffins, bagels, tortilla chips, oatmeal, cereal, pancake mix, syrup, jelly and juice.
The bags also included a word search courtesy of the Residence at Cedar Dell; and the cloth bags were donated by Fallon/Navicare.
Funds for the project came from the Community Foundation and a group of local people who simply wanted to do something for Fairhaven seniors during this difficult time. “Supporting Our Fairhaven Elderly” was started by Doug Gonzaga of Doug’s Doggies, who was quickly joined by Carol Zaslona and Amy Roderick.
The group raised $675 on their GoFundMe page, and gave the whole amount (after fees) to the senior center for the food bags.
Mr. Gonzaga said in a message that he “just wanted to do something for my community and I chose our seniors.”
If you are over the age of 60 and need help getting food, medications, or other necessities, call the Fairhaven senior center at 508-979-4029.
The building is closed to the public during the crisis, but Ms. Silvia is there and will answer or return your call.
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Click here to download the entire 5/7/20 issue: 05-07-20 BreakfastBags
Click here to download the MassDEP letter about PJ Keating: SP PJ Keating Applicability Determination 04282020