A message of compassion is clipped to a chain link fence on the corner of Reynolds Drive and Fort Street in Fairhaven on Thursday, 4/23, encouraging passersby to “add your loved ones to our hearts so we can keep them in ours.” Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
By Beth David, Editor
Everyone is struggling with accepting the “new normal” brought on by the COVID-19 crisis and the restrictions we are all living under.
But when seven-year-old London and her sister, five-year-old Penelope had so many questions of “why” and “how come” and “what ifs,” their mother, Ashley Hennessy, found she could not answer them.
“They just couldn’t grasp the fact that they couldn’t hug their cousins and their grandparents,” wrote Ms. Hennessy in an email. “So I told them this: if we hold everyone we love close to our hearts, that’s the best we can do right now.”
Her daughter said she wanted to everyone’s hearts because she doesn’t want people to keep getting sick. So they thought they would make a heart wall on the house, but the “whole six feet thing” made that not possible.
“So we made a heart fence so people could add their family to her heart fence, so she can hold them close to their hearts, too,” wrote Ms. Hennessy. “I have always tried to teach them compassion and kindness and this fence idea my girls came up with showed me there is so much we can gain out of all this. Instilling in our children how to love deep and show it in any way possible when people need it most, is so important, even if it’s on a fence outside our houses.”
The Heart Fence is located on the corner of Reynolds Drive and Fort Street in Fairhaven. You can find Ms. Hennessy on Facebook for more pictures.

A message of compassion is clipped to a chain link fence on the corner of Reynolds Drive and Fort Street in Fairhaven on Thursday, 4/23, encouraging passersby to “add your loved ones to our hearts so we can keep them in ours.” Photo by Glenn C. Silva.

A message of compassion is clipped to a chain link fence on the corner of Reynolds Drive and Fort Street in Fairhaven on Thursday, 4/23, encouraging passersby to “add your loved ones to our hearts so we can keep them in ours.” Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
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