Former Vice President Joe Biden stunned the political world on Tuesday when he surged to big wins in the south and pushed out Bernie Sanders for the delegate lead. Delegate-rich California, however, is not done counting votes, but so far Biden is winning there, too.
As of press time the delegate count for Democrats stood at 566 for Biden, 501 for Sanders, 61 for US Senator from Mass. Elizabeth Warren, one for Tulsi Gabbard. All other candidates have dropped out of the race.
Locally, the unofficial counts are as follows. Official results will be certified in a few days.
Joseph R. Biden 1085; Bernie Sanders 905; Elizabeth Warren 427; Michael Bloomberg 410, Pete Buttigieg 108; Amy Klobuchar 38; Deval Patrick: 27; Tom Steyer 24; Andrew Yang 5; Michael Bennet 2; One each for Cory Booker, Julian Castro, and Marianne Williamson; John K. Delaney 0.
On the Republican side, President Donald J. Trump received 713; William Weld 42; Joe Walsh 9; Roque “Rocky” De La Fuenta 2
On the Libertarian ballot, Vermin Love Supreme, Jacob George Hornberger, Dan Taxation is Theft Berman, Jo Jorgensen, and Max Abramson each received one vote. Other candidates received 0. On the Green Party ballot, 0 votes for all.
Turnout was 34.2%, a drop from 2016 when it was 41%.
Joseph Biden 513; Bernie Sanders 441; Michael Bloomberg 186; Elizabeth Warren 160; Pete Buttigieg 54; Amy Klobuchar 25; Tulsi Gabbard 15; Deval Patrick 13; Tom Steyer 11; Andrew Yank 3; Michael Bennet and Marianne Williamson 2; Cory Booker 1; 0 for Julian Castro and John Delaney.
For Republicans, Donald Trump received 447; William Weld 19; Joe Walsh 5; Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente 2.
Libertarian: Vermin Love Supreme 2; Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman 1. All other candidates 0. On the Green Party ballot, 0 votes for all.
Turnout was 25.77%
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