From Press Release Materials
St. Joseph School of Fairhaven raised $11,000 with its Live, Live, Laugh Boosterthon Day Glow run.
The fundraiser was launched in early February by the PTO and encouraged students to collect pledges ahead of 33-lap run on Valentine’s Day.
Early on, a key motivator became the school’s volunteer lunchroom monitor Rob Gray promising to cut off his curly locks if the students reached their goal of $10,000. They raised almost $15,00 in a crazy short, time, about a week.
After the run, the entire school rallied in the gym to watch and cheer as Gray’s granddaughter Avery Rusin, started off the sheering!
Classrooms rallied together to create team names, decorate their t-shirts and flags, and set classroom incentives for pledges. Some of the incentives were a dance party, extra recess and switching seats in class.
All funds raised ultimately go back to our school, classrooms and students. Saint Joseph school is a private school that has no state funding and relies solely on tuition and fundraisers.
“While the fundraising is important. It was a amazing to see the camaraderie and boost morale,” said Kerri Gomes, president of the PTO.
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