Haunted Town Hall and Costume Swap
Fairhaven TV presents its 2nd Annual Haunted Open House, a free, all ages Halloween event! On Thurs., 10/24, from 5–8 p.m., at Town Hall, 40 Center St., Fairhaven.
Attractions: spooky TV studio, big screen movies, live stage entertainment, all ages costume contest, trick-or-treating, photo booth, games, and more! 5:30, It’s the Great Pumpkin, Chalie Brown movie; 6 p.m. photography winners award ceremony; 6:30 p.m., Supreme Perfection dance performance; 6:45 p.m., Magician Todd Migliacci; 7 p.m. All ages costume contest, and costume swap (find and recycle costumes); 7:30 p.m., Toy Story of Terror movie.
MUCH more, visit fairhaventv.com/hauntedopenhouse for details.
Halloween Horribles Parade
UPDATE: The parade will not march down Main Street due to expected rain. The costume judging and giveaways will be held in the parish hall at St. Mary’s, 440 Main St., Fairhaven, which is where the parade usually ends, starting at 5 p.m.
Sun., 10/27, 5 p.m. Sponsored by the North Fairhaven Improvement Association, this Halloween costume parade has been held every year since 1950. Children and adults in costume meet at St. Mary’s Church, 440 Main Street, where costumes will be judged in different categories and age groups with prizes award.
There are also bags of Halloween treats and hot chocolate. FREE.
For more information, visit http://northfairhavenimprovementassoc.weebly.com/ or email Pauline Parker pp38coco@comcast.net.
Hazardous Waste Day
Get rid of all that old toxic stuff you have in the shed, like oil and paint.
Sat., 10/26, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the BPW, 5 Arsene Street. Fairhaven residents only. Visit the Fairhaven Board of Health web page for a list of items allowed and not allowed.
Wayne Oliveira Last Ride
Give Firefighter/paramedic Wayne Oliveira a grand send-off to retirement. After 42 years with the Fairhaven Fire Department, Wayne is on heading to the rocking chair (yeah, right). Wayne will finish his last shift on Sunday, 10/27, at 4 p.m. He will have his last ride home to 125 Bridge Street in Fairhaven on Ladder 1 where he will be greeted by friends and family. The public is encouraged to attend.
Trunk or Treat
Sat., 10/26, New Bedford YMCA, 25 S. Water St., NB, from 6–7:30 p.m. Hosted by New Bedford YMCA. (Rain date 10/27.)
No tricks needed! Costume contest for cars and kids from 6-6:30 p.m., with trunk-or-treating until 7:30 p.m. Cost is $5 per trunk-or-treater. Car entries are free. Call 508.997.0374 for information. All proceeds to benefit the New Bedford YMCA Annual Campaign, which provides financial assistance for memberships and programs. Come early for Downtown New Bedford Inc.’s All Treats – No Tricks, a free trick-or-treat event throughout downtown, from 2-5 p.m.!
Individually wrapped candy donations accepted and appreciated.
For more information, call 508-997-0739, or visit www.ymcasc.org
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Click here to download the entire 10/24/19 issue: 10-24-19 HalloweenTrail