17th Manjiro Festival
Sat., 10/5, 10 a.m.–5 p.m., in the historic center of Fairhaven, Center and Walnut Streets.
A Japanese-American festival commemorating Manjiro Nakahama, the first Japanese person to live in America, and the town’s Sister City connection with Tosashimizu, Japan, established in 1987.
There will be Japanese and American music and food, martial arts demonstrations, taiko drummers, flower arranging, raffles, food and craft booths, a tea ceremony, and much more! There is free admission to the festival, the bus tour of the Manjiro Trail, Captain Whitfield’s house, and the Old Stone School House.
Sponsored by the Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society. Free. For more information email Gerry@WMFriendshipHouse.org or call 508-858-5303, or visit http://Whitfield-Manjiro.org.
Fire Dept. Open House
Sun., 10/6, 1–3 p.m. at Fairhaven Fire Station, 146 Washington St., Fairhaven. The Fairhaven Fire & EMS Department welcomes local families to a Free ”Public Safety Open House.” The Annual Open House, sponsored by The Fairhaven Fire Department is aimed at teaching families safety and prevention practices.
This open house commemorates National Fire Prevention Week (October 6th–12th), officially sponsored by the International, non-profit, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) of Quincy, MA. This year’s theme is: “Not every hero wears a cape. Plan and practice your escape.”
Visitors to the fire station will receive safety tips such as “stop, drop and roll,” learn how to plan escape routes, tour fire apparatus, watch how fast fire burns, learn how to use a fire extinguisher and try your escape plan skills in the SAFE House smoke trailer along with other fun activities for kids.
“This event allows us to reach out to the community and arm local families with fire safety tips and procedures,” said Firefighter/ Paramedic Wayne Oliveira, who coordinates the event each year. Our open house allows families to interact with their public safety officials in a relaxed atmosphere and to better prepare them to react to emergency situations.
The open house is part of a broader community relations campaign sponsored by the NFPA, Fairhaven Firefighters and the local Papa Gino’s Restaurant who will provide free pizza and children’s coloring sheets at the event. For over 20 years Papa Gino’s has partnered with the fire service to help teach fire safety throughout Conn., Maine, Mass., NH and RI in October.
For more information about the Fire Station Open House, call the Fairhaven Fire Station at (508) 994-1428; “Like” us on Facebook: FAIRHAVEN FIRE-EMS; visit our web site at www.FairhavenFire.Org
First Congregational Celebrates 225th Anniversary
The First Congregational Church of Fairhaven, UCC, presents our 225th Anniversary Weekend. The First Congregational Church of Fairhaven was founded in July 1794 and will be celebrating that anniversary during the weekend of October 4-6th, 2019. All events will be held at the church, 34 Center St. in Fairhaven. The public is cordially invited to attend any or all of the festivities.
Friday, October 4th – 7-9 PM – An Evening of Looking Back
Join us for dessert and coffee and a slide show of pictures from our long history. Chris Richard, Director of Tourism in Fairhaven will speak about the history and there will be opportunity to mingle and share memories
Saturday, October 5th – 10:00-3:00 – Open House
The church sanctuary will be open during the Manjiro Festival held in the center of town that day. We will offer a gift of peace to Whitfield-Manjiro Friendship Society and the church will be decorated with origami peace cranes.
Sunday, October 6th – 2:30 PM Ecumenical Worship Service & A Time of Looking Ahead
Representatives of various faith communities and organizations will join us for an ecumenical service of worship. With music, prayers and ritual we celebrate the past and look forward to the next 225 years! A reception will follow.
For more information contact the church at 508-993-3368 or at firstcongfairhaven@gmail.com.
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