By Beth David, Editor
Fairhaven held its third annual National Night Out event on Tuesday, 8/6/19, on the west lawn of Fairhaven High School. Although the event was shortened by one hour due to the increased EEE threat (see page 10), people still showed up and had lots of fun enjoying free entertainment, activities for children, a K9 demonstration, exploring police and fire vehicles, and free food from a variety of vendors. Everything was free and enjoyed by young and old alike. “To say that our National Night Out was a success is an understatement,” wrote the Fairhaven Police Department on its Facebook page. “We are so incredibly fortunate to have the group of individuals who worked for months to organize this event. Our Fairhaven citizens and the citizens of our neighboring communities came out in droves and were a pleasure to spend time with!”
Many groups and businesses donated time, energy, and items.
“Their donations of food, drinks, time, and energy will forever be appreciated by this town, police department, and by every person who was able to enjoy this gathering,” wrote the FPD. “Again, many thanks to everyone who volunteered and a huge thank you to all of the citizens that make an evening like this memorable.”
National Night Out is a nationwide movement to bring communities together, and an opportunity for the community to meet the members of law enforcement who keep us all safe.
Photos by Glenn C. Silva. To see more of his photos of this event visit See more of his photos on Instagram: @asttephoto
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