By Mary Macedo, Neighb News Correspondent
At its meeting on Tuesday, 5/7/19 the Fairhaven Zoning Board of Appeals approved of some home additions, a special permit for chickens, and a temporary placement for a camping trailer.
Owner Troy Tonnessen of 149 Dogwood Street asked the board for variances for front, side, and rear setbacks on his current house on West Island, as well as variances for total lot coverage and total building coverage.
Mr. Tonnessen said that he wanted to build an addition to the existing house. He said it was not any closer to the house next to his and not any closer to the street in the front.
He explained that the proposed deck on the side of the hose is about two feet closer to the neighbor on that side. He also explained that the property to the north of the house is empty and he owns that empty lot.
The board voted unanimously to grant the variances.
The board also met with John and Karen Cabral of 3 Bass Creek Road about a special permit to allow a temporary camper on their lot for an extended period of time during the summer months.
Mr. Cabral explained that the 19-foot trailer would be stationed at the side of their yard with limited visibility from the street.
He said the trailer would be there from the Fourth of July through Labor Day so that his mentally handicapped brother could visit them on the weekends and some weeks during the summer months.
Mr. Cabral also said he would love for the special permit to be granted for more than one year for the summer months, so that it would not have to renew the permit each year.
The board granted the special permit for three years for the months of June through September. After three years, they can request an extension.
The board also unanimously accepted a variance for a rear setback at 8 Phillip Street for an additional bedroom and bathroom addition to the house.
Alexander Castro of 3 Jenna Drive also appeared before the board about a variance for a rear setback, which was an after-the-fact filing.
Mr. Castro explained that they built an additional two-car garage and it is 1-foot-9-inches short at the corner.
He said he got the drawings approved, they began building, and he was not aware that he had to get surveyed drawings as well. Mr. Castro apologized for the mistake and said he understands there are no excuses for it.
ZBA Chairperson Peter DeTerra explained to Mr. Castro that it was not his fault and that Mr. Castro relied on certain people.
The board granted the variance unanimously.
The board also met with Lucas Lavallee of 8 Friendly Street who was requesting a special permit for a chicken coop and five chickens. Mr. Lavallee said that his neighbors have no problem with it; and some of his neighbors even showed up to support him.
Mr. Lavallee said there will be no rooster just the five chickens.
The board unanimously granted the permit.
Mr. DeTerra explained to Mr. Lavallee that he will still need to get the chickens approved by the Board of Health.
The board then met with Anthony and Lisa DeAngelis of 102 Fir Street and their architect Chris Gully.
The project required multiple variances due to setback and lot coverage shortages.The property also has wetland issues.
The plan is to knock down the existing house and garage, and build a new house with an attached garage that will also have living space above it.
Mr. Gully said they have been working closely with the Conservation Commission while planning the layout and construction of the property due to the wetlands. He said the Conservation Commission approved the plans at its last meeting.
The board granted the variances unanimously.
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