Dog Park Plans are Progressing
You may have heard that the Town of Fairhaven is considering building a Dog Park in Town. Town Meeting approved $22,500 for matching funds that will only be spent if the Town applies for and is granted a Stanton Foundation Grant (
A Dog Park Committee, appointed by the Board of Selectmen, has been reviewing a number of potential sites in Town and will be meeting to rank that list of sites on Monday, May 13th at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall .
The park would be fenced in an area at least 1/4 acre and ideally at least 1/2 acre in size and would likely have one section for smaller dogs and another for larger dogs.
Among the criteria the committee will use to rank order the locations is surrounding population density, accessible parking, shade, access to drinking water and electricity (for lighting), buffer from residents, land suitability (flat/drainage, etc), environmental concerns, etc.
Locations being considered include (in alphabetical order) the COA/Recreation Center (Map 28, Lot 1 between parking area and Route 6), Fort Phoenix State Park (Lot 1, Map 1 — Northeast of Bath House — would require State approval), Grimshaw Park (Map 1, Lot 6A), Livesey Park (Map 22A, Lot 194), Long Road site (Map 23, Lot 175), Mill Road (Map 30, Lot 27), North Street (Map 16, Lot 39), Rogers School Property (possibly combined with existing park).
If you have an interest in weighing in on this potential project, please consider attending the meeting or following the recommendations of the committee to the Board of Selectmen.
Bob Espindola, Selectman, Town of Fairhaven
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