Comcast must face competition
[Fairhaven] Selectman [Robert] Espindola deserves praise and applause in his effort to try and get a new fiber network installed to provide services in Fairhaven. It is long past the day when Comcast MUST face competition. Just a few days ago they instituted another annual price increase on services. Their increases tend to average 5%–7% annually and there is no end in sight.Mr. Espindola seems ready to do all he can do to look at the feasibility of such a network in Fairhaven. I am certain it CAN work here. In Braintree and Chicopee MA these services are offered to the residents at a fraction of the prices charged by Comcast. Competition is essential to competitive pricing and Mr. Espindola clearly sees that internet service is essential in today’s lifestyle.
Students and others need access to the internet, and to be held hostage by the non-competitive system our Congress has created is unfair. If you do not subscribe to Comcast Cable services and you want internet service the monthly fee for their “Blast” internet service is $95. However, if you subscribe to their cable TV services the internet service cost is a fraction of the $95 fee. It is a strategic penalty by Comcast designed to “force” you into their Cable services. It should be illegal and it would be illegal if we had a Congress that worked for the people instead of one bought and paid for by big business and special interests.
Today, for high speed internet, there is NO COMPETITION in Fairhaven or throughout most of the USA. None.
We all know that the costs of Comcast monthly service are significant and competition will lower costs for the residents. It is simple supply and demand. This plan will put real money back in your pocket and internet/cable competition will also make Fairhaven more attractive to others looking to buy a home or run a business here.
I remain hopeful that Mr. Espindola and the other Selectmen will see this plan through to completion. Recently, all three Selectmen said one of the main complaints they hear from people is the high cost of internet/ cable service.
This plan cannot be done overnight, but if we move the process forward in 2019 it will bring us closer to the day when we will not be held hostage by Comcast.
Take the time and look at the Braintree and Chicopee models as well as others throughout the USA. It is working.
Let us have Fairhaven lead the way in this area to lower the cost of living for our residents while providing good services and good bang for the buck. I will do all that I can do to support Selectman Espindola in this endeavor. I hope others in the Town will do the same.
Success in this endeavor is your success.
Adam F. Abelha, Fairhaven
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