By Beth David, Editor
Well, good news and bad news: It’s Labor Day weekend. That means the OLOA Feast (see page 4), with the best malassadas on planet earth, yes planet EARTH! But it also means that summer is pretty much over, sniff, sniff.
The kids went back to school this week, and, no, I never did get out there for a first day picture. But it’s true nonetheless.
We’ve got a little bit of a blast from the past in this week’s issue. Dr. Brian Bowcock, who used to be a Selectdboard member, and most recently was the Tree Warden, got to brush up on his no-comment skills with the Neighb News this week. See page 3 for that.
Somehow, an obscene gesture, formulated by a vinyl or latex glove, got into Dr. Bowcock’s recycle bin. He, of course, has no knowledge of it. Alas, the gremlins are wreaking havoc on Green Street, a full two months before Halloween.
Beware, Fairhaven, beware. This can be naught but a bad omen…a bad omen indeed.
People are having absolute hissy fits about this whole recycle checking program. Geesh, calm down already. There are no fines, there’s no surcharge on your tax bill. They’re just trying to explain how things have changed.
I know you all remember when the only thing you could recycle was newsprint. Then it expanded to other kinds of paper. Then we got those nifty little bins, not the ones we have now, the old ones, the little ones. Wow. We could put paper and cardboard and cans AND bottles in. It was maahhvelous!
Then we got the big bins in 2015 and we could put all kinds of cool stuff in there. Then it changed again, and we’re back to putting in just a handful of recyclables.
Yeah, you read that right, we got the big carts in 2015. It’s only been three years.
Man, we got spoiled fast.
This is no big deal, people. If you think recycling is important, then you will take your recyclables to the places that accept them. If you don’t, then throw the crap in the trash. See page 5 for a link to a great video that tells you what can go into the carts, and where to take the other stuff. Or dig up a copy of the 8/9 issue of the Neighb News, and read the article we did on the changes. Or, call the Health Agent and ask.
So, back to the feast. There will be lots of people, lots of food, lots of fun, so be sure to get over there for a bit. If you don’t like the big feast in New Bedford because of how crazy it gets, then you’ll love our “Biggest Little Feast.”
I’ll see you in the malassadas line!
Meanwhile, be careful on Green Street. Gremlins are nasty little buggers. Until next week then…see ya,
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