By Glenn C. Silva, Neighb News Correspondent
The Friends of the Millicent Library announced the winners and awarded prizes at the first ever Limerick Contest at the Millicent Library on April 14.
About 35 people gathered for the big announcement and “Cal & the Ukettes” provided music that got some of them singing along and clapping to start the afternoon event.
Linda Kushner vice-president of the Friends emceed the event and announced the winners. She stood at a podium that had its own limerick, plugging the organization.
Our library gives so much pleasure.
It’s almost impossible to measure.
Please do remember
To become a member
And help us support this great treasure
The winners of the six categories were then given the chance to read their winning limericks.
The winners were: Age Nine and Under, Maitca Abdallah-Doukkara; Ages 10-17, Julia Duzynski; Ages 18-69, Steven Botelho; 70 and over, Mike Luey and Ellie Mayo in a tie; Limericks about Fairhaven, Alyssa Botelho and Jackie Kenworthy in a tie; Current Events, Cheryl Day.
Maggi Peirce, one of the judges, spoke about how a limerick is written and the proper formation of one. As a special treat, she read some of her own limericks.
Mr. Peirce, originally from Belfast, Northern Ireland, who has been a resident of East Fairhaven for the past 54 years, said she remembered reading since the age of five. She realized certain words rhymed and has been writing poetry of all kinds since an early age.
The other judges were Janice Randall and Chris Richard. The judges were unanimous in awarding each prize.
Mike Luey got quite the chuckle with his Limerick on Fairhaven.
There was an old man from Fairhaven
Who was dirty, unkempt, and unshaven.
He was aging in place
‘Til he fell on his face
And got sent to Our Lady’s Haven.
When asked if it was written about anyone in particular he quickly commented with a smile: “Just wait a few years.”
Alyssa’s father Steven Botelho was on hand to read his daughter’s limerick about a familiar town.
Are you weary and heavy-laden?
Come with me, says the sea raven
To the best town on earth
I’ve been there since birth
Where else but good ole Fairhaven.
Then there was Maitea Abdallah-Doukkara who won in the nine & younger category.
Mom goes to church on Easter Sunday
Dad hates church and Easter on Fun-day
I love, love Easter
My dad said: seize her!
When I stole all the choc-lates one day.
Speaking of sweets… There were cookies, brownies and beverages for the crowd.
The remaining winning entries are:
Jackie Kenworthy (one of two winners for limericks about Fairhaven)
There once was a man named Benac
Who was clever and had the knack
To find an old treasure
To research at leisure
And thus to restore what it lacked.
Steven Botelho
There once was a man from Worcester
Who had two hens and a rooster
The rooster died, the farmer cried
Because the hens don’t lay eggs like they used t
Cheryl Day (winner for current events)
There are two tall white turbines among us
Whose flickers both bother and taunt us.
Often blocking the sun,
Sometimes they don’t run.
And their whirring sounds constantly haunt us
Elly Mayo
A master boat builder named Bob
Launched a new boat one day in a fog
He called from the shore
Someone bring me the oars
And next day he rowed in on a log.
Julia Duzynski (10-17 category)
One day there was a blue butterfly
It was super cool and super sly.
It took a good land
On my very tanned hand
Then went back to the beautiful sky.
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