From the Editor
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting pretty tired of being told I didn’t know what I voted for.
Sure, sometimes the ballot questions are kind of convoluted and it takes a little focus to vote right, but, anyone who doesn’t know yes from no or no from yes, should just leave it blank.
This time, I am talking about the marijuana law. Massachusetts, and the town of Fairhaven, voted to legalize the use of recreational marijuana in 2016. The legislature in its wisdom, or lack thereof, has managed to delay implementation, but it’s coming soon.
The Fairhaven Selectboard held a public forum on Monday (see page 4) to find out if people want a pot shop in town. Forget that we voted 56% in favor of the ballot question that legalized it.
I’m so tired of being told that I don’t know what I voted for. I KNOW what I voted for: For people to be able to go into a retail establishment and buy marijuana. The argument that we can all grow our own is flawed on so many levels. Not everyone has a big house with space to do that, the know-how, the time, and a whole bunch of other stuff. I can make my own butter, too, but I don’t. I go to the store and buy it.
I am so tired of people assuming that their situation is the same as everyone else’s. We voted on this already. Let’s just get it done.
It’s bad enough the state hijacked the law and is making it nearly impossible to get a shop in town, let’s NOT finish the job for them.
Now, onto the BPW (See page 22). They tabled the minutes from the really fun meeting on 1/25. Generally, when minutes get tabled it’s because someone objects to the accuracy of something. But, open meeting minutes should be discussed in open session. If a board member has a problem with the minutes, he or she should say what the problem is and the rest of the board members and the recording secretary should get to weigh in. The point is, you’re not supposed to change the minutes because you suddenly don’t like how your words look on paper. You’re not supposed to table minutes to sanitize them. The minutes should be an accurate reflection of what happened at the meeting, and, according to the NEW records law, there’s no more of this “discussion ensued” garbage. You’re supposed to put some detail in there.
Fairhaven BPW: The board that just keeps on giving.
I’d also like to take a little space to note the deaths of Al Benac and Earl Faunce (see page 19). I didn’t know Earl very well, but I did run across him a few times as I covered various events and issues over the years. He was vocal at Town Meeting, and was involved in a lot of other community organizations. He was also a firefighter for 38 years. It’s people like him who make a town what it is. He will be missed.
Now, Al Benac, I can say I knew a little better. Before I even started my own paper, when I was just a freelancer at the conglomerate across the river at the paper-that-shall-not-be-named, Al started calling me about various issues in town, trying to get me to write about them.
Sometimes I did, sometimes I didn’t. Sometimes I did and he was not too happy with how I wrote the articles. But he was always trying to do what he thought was best for his precious Fairhaven.
I’m going to miss that guy, honestly, I will.
Fare well to both of you on your journeys. You both left your mark in our little corner of the world, and for the better, too. What else is there, really?
Until next week then…see ya
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Click here to download the entire 2/8/18 issue: 02-08-18 MarijuanaForum