The January meeting of the Mattapoisett Woman’s Club will be held on Thurs., 1/18, at The Matttapoisett Congregational Church. We gather at 11:30 a.m., and have a luncheon and guest speaker. Come and join us.
This month James P. Stevens, CEO and Founder of The GiftsToGive Philanthropy Factory will talk about his organization. Gifts To Give is building a new currency for philanthropy by re-building a more caring community, focused on local child poverty, literacy, service to others and giving. At GiftsToGive thousands of volunteers process millions of pounds of donated children’s gear that is then recycled, re-purposed and gifted to local children in-need. Their primary mission is to give all South Coast young people, both the privileged and those in-need, an opportunity to practice Big Citizenship and Tangible Philanthropy through their gifts of time and treasure. Children come to understand through their “doing” the power of giving and service and that we all have gifts to give. Email,
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