Okay, I’ve got news for you all: This “friendly neighborhood reporter” does not have to explain herself to anyone, but I will anyway, because sometimes, just sometimes, it’s lots of fun to do just that. (See page 4.)
How about a little Journalism 101, okay?
When we write a story about a controversial decision (any decision, really), it’s generallly good practice to talk to the person or persons who made that decision. Mr. Freitas, by the content of his own rant, said he did not make the decision, that the Selectboard was only notified of it.
Gee, maybe that’s why I didn’t call him, huh?
I spoke to the Harbormaster, who referred me to the Town Administrator. It was Mr. Rees who was quoted in the article in question that ran on 10/19.
Again, although I do not need to explain myself, I will say: There was no need to talk to Mr. Freitas, none, nada, zero, zilch. Indeed, there was no need to talk to the Selectboard at all. However, if I DID want to talk to the Selectboard, I would have called the chairperson, NOT Mr. Freitas. That’s standard procedure. Chairperson first, other guys if you’re on deadline and can’t get the chair.
I hate to be the one to break it to you Mr. Freitas*, but it is not always about you.
How you ever manage to walk around with such thin skin is beyond me. Honestly, I almost wrote that you were upset because they were “picking on” you and had to curb my fingers from typing it.
You need to toughen up, Big Guy.
I can only imagine that if you lived in my place for a month, you’d probably end up hiding in a corner bawling your eyes out like a toddler who lost his pacifier. And, I guarantee you that no one, NO ONE , would be apologizing to you…for anything. If I waited for that before doing something, I’d never do anything.
Which brings me to my next point.
He has demanded that the chairperson of the Marine Resources Committee, Frank Coelho, apologize to him (Mr. Freitas, that is), before Mr. Coelho is allowed to speak at a Selectboard meeting. Mr. Freitas is not the Selectboard chair, but, oh….what a position he put Mr. Espindola, the real chairperson, in, don’t you think?
But, when it’s all about yourself, you just don’t think about anyone else.
Honestly, these elected officials need to grow up and be able to take some criticism. You’re all pretty good at dishing out the insults when you have a mind to do so. Learn to take them as well, or just give it up. It’s politics. You need thick skin.
On another note, please don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend (see page 3), or you’ll be late for everything next week.
Until next week then….see ya.
Your Friendly Neighborhood Reporter.
*Okay, I admit it, I do NOT hate to break it to him. I’m kind of getting a kick out of this whole thing.
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