Buyer Beware
All I wanted to do was pay what I owed on my Verizon bill. I needed a hard copy of the charges, fees, taxes etc. to understand charges and verify accuracy. Thus began the ordeal of obfuscation, double dealing, conflicting information and misdirection. It is dubious that Verizon will not itemize charges/payments and the agreement clearly in writing. Perhaps disclosure would reveal deceptive practices?
My antenna went up when I realized, with identity theft rampant, that the old phone I turned over was not wiped clean and no guarantee was given that they would do so.
I researched further:
1. When I took advantage of Verizon’s advertised promotion, I thought I was transacting directly with Verizon, but it turns out, it was Wireless Zone. The store with a big Verizon sign on the façade (next to Walmart) in Fairhaven is not an “official” Verizon store. It is a Wireless Zone store Doing/Business/As Verizon — a “Verizon authorized” retail operation. The stores in Wareham and Dartmouth are official Verizon stores. Wireless Zone is not a licensed business in Fairhaven according to the town clerk. The accessor’s office says the address is listed as Verizon for tax purposes. The MA Secretary of State’s database has no current listing for Wireless Zone.
2. Each Wireless Zone is independently owned and operated so you have to navigate conflicting information which each and both saying that you must speak to the other. Classic Runaround! One said the agreement was a 36-month contract; the other said there was no contract — it was an interest-free loan. (Turns out the “free” iPad was included in the amount owed.)
3. Both promise to mail a hard copy of the charges, but nothing is forthcoming and the official Verizon stores are not able to print out charges.
4. When the first Verizon bill arrived, it reflected only a flat amount of $625. (I had already paid $416. when initiating the transaction.) After inquiring, I was told that it is customary to be billed for a full month BEFORE the service begins. That was news to me! Also, International calls using WhatsApp were billed for hundreds of dollars as Verizon says the calls did not go through and reverted to a Verizon line. This is highly dubious as nobody I know who initiates a call on WhatsApp has ever been charged.
I could go on but suffice it to say, I’m still waiting for an itemized statement for all charges and a copy of the agreement. When I receive the hard copies, I will pay the legitimate charges and refute charges that are incorrect.
Since I canceled the Verizon service, I have received several phone calls and emails asking me to come back to Verizon for $500. It is almost comical! I tell them under no circumstances would I ever do business with Verizon again. Life is too short to spend time disentangling the spider web they created to deceive.
Bottomline: Steer clear of the Verizon store in Fairhaven. It is not what it seems.
Cathy Delano, Fairhaven
Click here to download the 02/27/25 issue: 02-27-25 Puppies
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