Ms. Powers got it wrong
I take issue with [Select Board Chairperson Stasia] Powers’s comments in the 2/13 issue of the Fairhaven Neighborhood News, “We can’t cut our way out of it anymore,” referring to the upcoming budget shortfall.
This will be the fourth year of a budget shortfall for the Town. All the powers to be have done is kick the can down the road again and again and expecting a different outcome.
There has been little discussion on cutting core costs!!!! Cutting road work, putting off buying a vehicle to another year and items such as these is kicking the can down the road.
I am astonished that over the course of four years no one has run projections for two years out of reoccurring costs. That’s where you will find the areas you need to get under control. All the past decisions are the decisions we have to work with now on projects and contracts.
The fact is every year the Town can raise property taxes 2.5% along with yearly fees received by the Town. If it’s this year or in following years the major expenses in Town are insurance and employees. Those two expenses have to be reviewed to get the core expenses inline. If not you will be juggling capital improvements for years, where departments will struggle when it’s not their turn the receive funds.
The difficult part is the willingness of the leaders on the SB to make those decisions.
Steve Riley, Fairhaven
Note: I am a member of FinCom
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