By Beth David, Editor
AiyAiyAiy Lucy, you done it again! Alas, time got away from me once more. Hopefully next week I’ll get to some stories I’ve been working on. I just haven’t been able to pull it all together.
But we’ll get ’em in here.
Meanwhile, we have an election update for both Fairhaven and Acushnet (see page 8), and it looks like Fairhaven will have four contested races. That’s good. That’s always fun.
Acushnet candidates still have time to pull papers, so that field is not set yet.
C’mon, Acushnet, someone out there must be wanting to run.
Our cover story is a fun one. I usually get over to the Kool Kids program on February vacation. They’re usually kicking around the gym at the Rec Center, or, if it’s warm enough, they’ll even be outside. Brrr…not this week.
But they did have a really fun indoor activity. They made a cardboard city. Cool idea, huh? The kids came up with all kinds of creative ideas to fill the city, and then they worked on making them real. See page 12 for some of their ideas.
Dear Frankie has a book…really. Frankie’s human, Geneva Woodruff, pulled together a bunch of columns that have run in the Neighb News and published a book. See page 11 for how it all got started in the first place.
Election season is heating up a bit. The letters are starting to come in (see page 14), and it’s time for candidates to get their statements in (see page 4).
The country saw a national day of protest on Monday, and Fairhaven participated. See page 14 for a few photos of that.
Now about the wrecking ball that is coming out of the White House. I just have to say how I love that everyone is suddenly treating government workers like they are some kind of criminals, when half the people complaining are paid with public funds themselves.
The problem is you don’t even know what they do. Wait until you have to call social security, or your loved one needs a nursing home at $15,000+ a month (yeah, that’s month), see how you feel when you get on the phone and no one answers. Don’t need national park rangers you say? Well, yeah, you’re right because the Big Buffoon is going to sell all that land to his drill-baby-drill buddies.
But hey, he promised….whatever. Let me know when you get it, whatever it was.
Just one more thing: It’s not libel if it’s true (note: libel, not slander). Nuff said, you little crybullies.
Until next week then, see ya,
Glory to Ukraine!
Glory to the Heroes!
Click here to download the 2/20/25 issue: 02-20-25 KoolKids
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