By Beth David, Editor
The students of the LL Wood School in Fairhaven surpassed thei rfood drive goal, collecting almost 4,000 items, about double last year’s collection.
Last year, the school collected 2,000 items. This year, the school decided to do things a little differently. They decided to collect enough items to feed 100 families. That would be 24 items for each family. The school community, however, responded in a huge way and collected enough food for 129 families; that’s almost 4000 items.
The food went to the Shepherd’s Pantry in Acushnet.
For the Pie Daddy contest, each classroom was represented by a pie eater who raced to eat a pie, hands tied behind his back.
Logan Silvia’s father, Bryan Silvia, representing kindergarten, was the winner, and crowed Pie Daddy King.
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