Gardner an Advocate for Literacy
Laura Gardner is seeking election to the Fairhaven School Committee.
Laura is a parent, educator, librarian and is undoubtedly qualified to champion the improvement of student achievement in Fairhaven Public Schools. As a National Board Certified Teacher in Library Media, and Librarian for Dartmouth Public Schools, Laura is positioned to not only understand the needs of students today, but what resources students and teachers need in order to succeed.
As most know, the pandemic led to astounding learning loss in our children. Nine-year-olds lost the equivalent of two decades of progress in math and reading. While this trend is slowly reversing, I question if Fairhaven is providing teachers and students with the necessary resources to overcome this loss. The Fairhaven Public School system does not employ a certified librarian, library support staff, and relies on teachers and parent volunteers to staff school libraries, if at all. Last year I was a parent volunteer in the Wood School library. I can say, without hesitation, that our school libraries need dedicated staffing.
The value of a certified librarian is a resource that our administration should be advocating for and supporting. Numerous national studies have shown a direct correlation between access to a strong school library program and student achievement. Laura is, and has been, an advocate for literacy and librarians in our schools. Librarians, like Laura cultivate a love of reading and teach valuable research skills our children will need as adults.
As a school committee candidate, I believe Laura would advocate strongly for our children, their literacy needs, their growth and achievement, postsecondary readiness, as well as teacher satisfaction and retention.
A vote for Laura is a vote for investment in the future of our children and our community.
Julie Sullivan, Fairhaven, Parent of a FPS Student
Click here to download the 3/30/23 issue: 03-30-23 ElectionSigns
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