The Truth is Somewhere in Middle.
In response to Stephen Grossman’s letter (3/16/23)
I actually agree that bigger government is not the answer to controlling “Short Term Rental Operations” from being over its limits in the Town of Fairhaven. What we need in government won’t be found in the measurements of too big or to little.
What we need is to learn how to find a happy balance, and for all perspectives within the governing spectrum, to sincerely strive towards the center of any dilemma that confronts all the people involved within a community, where might spring, as you put it, irregular Thinking.
I call it enlightenment. If in fact the light bulb ideas or resolutions that manifest, be it for equal housing solutions, or whatever the need may be, is not causing harm to other people, or avaricious in its intention.
The Massachusetts Zoning Act specifically states one of the immediate reasons for the Act, is to encourage affordable housing at all income levels.
Mr. Grossman you made it clear in your letter that you assume an evil eye exists. And yet in the next paragraph, you dismiss the power of prayer.
What is really on your irregular mind?
You believe in an evil eye, you don’t like laws, and you dismiss the power of prayer. And then at the very end of your letter, you’re asking for protection?
Mr. Grossman, protection is granted, through Laws, Acts & Prayers — at least on this dimension.
We are all responsible for taking the planks out of our own eyes. And none of us is above the law.
No matter what our status in life, it is how we “act” that is primal, and what will evolve us more so, than the greatest of worldly inventions.
Regular or irregular individuals, from the so-called slave, to the richest man in the world, anyone could explode with a dynamic, all encompassing idea, that can change the world to be a brighter, happier place. But with all that wonderful invention, the world hasn’t changed much.
I don’t believe anyone is better than anybody else. We all have a life to live, and we all can focus on striving to live a good life, in the best way we know how, with goodwill towards each other.
So as we focus on protecting our housing inventory, through zoning Acts and STR bylaws, we really don’t need bigger government.
We just need our Fairhaven government to follow the current Zoning Act & STR bylaws that are already in place.
Or ban STR’s if don’t know how to follow the basic laws that protect the housing needs and well being of all the people in Fairhaven.
Michelle Costen, Fairhaven
Click here to download the 3/23/23 issue: 03-23-23 Bagpiper
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