By Beth David, Editor

Allen Days addresses supporters, volunteers and recipients at the annual Fathers Day Road Race luncheon. Photo by Beth David.
The Fairhaven Father’s Day Road Race committee handed out $23,400 to local organizations at its annual luncheon on Sunday, 11/6, at the Fairhaven Senior Center.
Race founder Allen Days told the crowd of supporters, volunteers and funds recipients that the race has donation more than $200,000, in its 42 year history, averaging $25,000 a year in recent years.
Mr. Days mused on the early races, when merely breaking the 200 mark caused some “growing pains.”
This year, the race had more than 2,000 racers register and more than 1800 finish.
The race prides itself on being open to all abilities, is stroller friendly, and encourages parents to run with their children in an annual Father’s Day tradition.
Mr. Days thanked the “generous sponsors, dedicated volunteers, and the runners, who make Fairhaven the place to be on Father’s Day.”
Then he admitted to an annual nightmare: That none of the volunteers show up.
It takes hundreds of volunteers to put on the race.
This year, the race gave $2,000 the Fairhaven Emergency Management Agency, Fairhaven Fire Department, Fairhaven Police Department, Fairhaven High School scholarships, and Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech scholarships.
The race also donated $1,000 to the Fairhaven Senior Center and Southcoast Hospitals Group.
The Fire Department will use the funds for software in the town’s three ambulances, said Wayne Oliveira, accepting for the FD. He said it will allow the department to keep its own secure medical histories of people it services.
The Police Department has used the funds in the past for workout equipment and an inflatable boat.
Anne Silvia, Council on Aging Director, said the senior center plans on using the funds for an outdoor exercise station that will be on the senior center grounds, near the bike path.
“It will help everybody,” said Ms. Silvia. “Not just seniors.”
The equipment will cost a total of $30,000.
Southcoast Hospitals Group lends a group of volunteers to the road race. Amy Winn-Blier said the $1,000 donation will go towards the employee wellness fund.
BAM Foundation, which helps local cancer patients with incidental expenses such as co-pays and transportation costs, received $500. Alycia Halle told the crowd that the group has helped 35 families pay for $28,000 in expenses so far.
Charlie Murphy of the MO LIFE Food Pantry, accepted $300 from the race. He said it will be used for special holiday meals for every patron of the pantry.
“You touched a lot of lives,” he said.
Click to see the full list of donations and sponsors
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