By Beth David, Editor
Bask, a locally owned Cannabis dispensary in Fairhaven, celebrated Arbor Day on 4/29/22 by handing out free tree seedlings to anyone who asked, no purchase necessary. This is the fifth year the company has held the “Free Trees” event.
By mid-afternoon, they had given away more than 500 trees, and were well on their way to giving away all 1,000. The company has given away nearly 5,000 trees through the program.
The Fraser Firs and Canaan Firs were just little baby seedlings, but they will grow into huge evergreens.
Bask bought the seedlings from the Mass. Tree Wardens Association, and the money contributes to their scholarship fund.
“This is so cute,” said UMassD student Halie Davenport as she took a tree to plant. “I’m excited to plant the tree.”
She said she did not know anything about planting trees, but she would learn.
Leslie Gomes of New Bedford also took a seedling to plant in her yard.
“Because I love our planet and just want more trees and plants and happiness and wanting to breathe,” said Ms. Gomes. “Saving the planet for future generations and because if we keep abusing it, it won’t exist.”
A steady stream of customers walked by on their way in or out of the dispensary, and some dropped in just to get the free trees. It was a busy day for staff, but it was mostly sunny and mild, perfect for Arbor Day.
Bask is located at 2 Pequod Road in Fairhaven. Learn more at www. or call 774-305-4749.
Click here to download the entire 5/5/22 issue: 05-05-22 FAYB
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