By Beth David, Editor
Honestly, these guys have no shame.
Headline should read: Board of Health Chair uses meeting time to run ad for fellow board member. Really. (See page 4)
Mr. Ristuccia asks Mr. DeTerra, who is in a contested race for his seat on the board, to list all his certifications because it’s just oh-so-wonderful that he has them all and can conduct inspections. In Fairhaven. Where he is an elected official.
There’s just no shame with these guys. No shame.
Is it really possible they have no clue why that’s a conflict?
Nah…the aw-shucks-I-don’t-know-nuthin’ routine is pretty old with this guy now. When Mr. Gallagher, the sane one on the board, said no elected official should be doing inspections (God bless your little soul), Mr. Ristuccia said his brain doesn’t go to all those places that the much more worldly Mr. Gallagher allows his brain to go.
Really. I couldn’t make up this stuff if I tried.
Guess we can just forget that Mr. Ristuccia was on the Board of Public Works for…like FOREVER, and he was chairperson there for a bit, too. Thought you guys were supposed to take courses or something.
Thank you Mr. Gallagher.
I’d tell you to break out the popcorn, but it was only a few minutes. Just go for a drink. You’ll need it.
There’s other stuff in here, of course, including candidate statements for Planning Board, which is the last contested race to run statements for.
The election is in just two weeks, so…make sure you find out who’s who so you know how to vote.
The West Island Improvement Association is having its candidates night next week (see page 5), and the other is available on
Our cover…oh well. I wanted a spring shot, but got out there too late. The crocuses had closed up, and the marinas were quiet. But I found ducks heading to the islands. That’s a sign of spring, right?
Be sure to notice who our advertisers are so you can tell them you saw their ads in the Neighb News.
Until next week then…see ya,
Click here to download the entire 3/24/22 issue: 03-24-22 Ducks2Island
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