I appreciate all three candidates who have put themselves out there for this special election. It is not easy to do what they are doing. And would look forward to working with any one of them.
I am writing in support of Stasia Powers.
There has been enough divisiveness in Fairhaven recently and I believe in building bridges and better communication among our boards and committees.
This area is so important that our Select Board “Goals and Objectives” document (which can be found on line under the Town Administrator section of the web site) lists “Identify and advance opportunities for cooperation between Town departments, Fairhaven Public Schools, neighboring municipalities, non-profit organizations and regional governments as ways to improve services and reduce costs”
I have stated my interest in having the Town move forward with a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Town and the School Department, who has the largest budget in Town. The Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR) recommends this for our Town and I believe this should be a top priority moving forward. In my opinion, lack of cooperation and communication between the Town and the School Administration (including the Select Board and the School Committee) has recently resulted in significant controversy that could have been avoided if there were such an agreement in place between the Town and the School Department. We have an opportunity for very significant improvement in this area but it will take willingness for our School Committee to cooperate and find common ground. This will not be easy.
I believe that, with her demonstrated leadership and knowledge of the School Department budget, staffing and operations, Stasia Powers will be the perfect complement to our Select Board. She can help us build the bridge we need and move Fairhaven into an MOU that will provide budget certainty and eliminate the types of surprises, lack of communication and misinformation we have experienced in the past year.
Stasia understands that, as a member of the Select Board, she will need to view Town Finances through a different lens. Whereas in the past, her only focus was on the needs of the children in our School system, Select Board members must consider the needs of our School Department alongside those of our Town Hall, Public Works, Public Safety, Recreation, Council on Aging, Harbor Master, Tourism … the list goes on. She has pledged to see the needs across the Town and to do what is in the best interest of the Town on the whole.
And let’s not lose sight of the very critical process that has been placed on hold, screening and hiring of the Town’s next Town Administrator. Stasia has the experience and critical thinking skills required to ensure the Town makes the right move in this extremely important decision.
I believe that she is the perfect candidate to serve as the first woman on our newly named Select Board and that she will leave a very positive impression on the Town, if given the chance. My wife Ann and I will be voting for her on Monday, July 26th and we hope that you will consider doing the same.
Bob Espindola, Fairhaven
Mr. Espindola is a member of the Fairhaven Select Board
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