Fairhaven’s Got Pride!
On the beautiful Sunday morning of June 27th, on the corner where our Town Hall stands, Fairhaven residents gathered to display their PRIDE in being an accepting, inclusive and welcoming community to ALL. The spark that lit the fire of activism was provided by our Select Board who would not display the Pride Flag during June. YES, I am fully aware of the logistical semantics of the now defunct “flag policy” (a debate for another day).
Within 10 short days my new friend, “she who shall remain nameless” because she does not want to be thanked publicly, and I organized what has now become our first annual Fairhaven’s Got Pride! event. Because we believed that Fairhaven is welcoming to folks from all walks of life, we included not only people of the LGBTQ+ community but also our fellow citizens who overcome the daily challenges of belonging to two other communities that are all too often marginalized in our country; people of color as well as those who have Different-Capabilities.
With nearly no time to pull off our little gathering that was to last for just 30 minutes, we were going to be happy if a dozen Fairhaven-ites joined us on the corner that morning. As it turned out, over 100 people from our community came!
With a faulty sound system, a short playlist of music, just four people who were going to address those gathered, a limited amount of Swag, and some colorful chalk (thank you Ann Richard for the donation) we ended up with a 2+ hour celebration in the streets!! A huge THANK YOU to the Fairhaven PD who without being asked blocked off the streets around us so that we would all be safe.
The Stealthy Unicorn arrived to greet excited children and witness those kids re-chalk the crosswalk in front of Town Hall into a rainbow strip of color. Our friends and neighbors, who’ve not had the opportunity to over the past 18 months, hugged each other, laughed together and relished the time they were able to spend with one another.
The most beautiful thing that happened that morning was when a half dozen people spontaneously asked to speak in order to share the struggles they’ve faced and triumphs they’ve experienced in their lives. They spoke because they felt safe, accepted and loved. I thank each and every one of the people, slated or spontaneous, who spoke so eloquently, enthusiastically and freely on that corner on that day. In all the 22 years since I moved my little family here, I have never been so happy to live in our town. I know in my soul that love trumps hate and from the bottom of my heart I thank all of you who came out to prove me right when I shout FAIRHAVEN’S GOT PRIDE!!!
Diane Hahn, Fairhaven
Click here to download the entire 7/15/21 issue: 07-15-21 FhvnPride
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