Press Release
On Sunday, September 13th, under sunny skies, bicyclists from around the region rode in the South Coast Bikeway Alliance’s 3rd annual Pedal for the Path. This socially distanced free ride was held to celebrate Bike Month, highlight the bikeway progress happening in South Coast communities, and get feeadback on paths that are still in the feasibility planning stages.
Riders could choose where they started and how far they wanted to go. The longest route option had riders bicycling from Horseneck Beach in Westport to Mattapoisett Neck Road in Mattapoisett.
• The Westport Bike/Ped Committee sent off the riders at 9 am. The group rode on the recently paved and striped bike lanes on John Reed Road and continued on East Beach and Horseneck Roads.
• Riders were greeted by the Dartmouth South Coast Bikeway Alliance (SCBA) members and Southeastern Regional Planning and Economic Development District (SRPEDD) at the Dartmouth Y.
• Riders made their way to Pier 3 in New Bedford where they could learn about New Bedford’s River Walk and the Blue Lane as well as connections to South Coast Rail stations. City of New Bedford planners, SCBA representatives and SRPEDD were all on site. More riders joined the fun at Pier 3 including the New Bedford Starchasers.
• Continuing on or starting in Fairhaven riders met with Fairhaven Bicycle Committee and SCBA members who shared how a recent grant will improve the crossing at Sconticut Neck Road and access to the Wood School.
• From there all riders were encouraged to ride to the end of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail at Mattapoisett Neck Road. At that site, the Friends of the Mattapoisett Rail Trail shared the exciting news of the Shining Tides mile to open in 2021.
• SCBA representatives from Marion shared their plans to connect in the woods to Mattapoisett and follow a retired rail bed heading east towards Wareham.
• Wareham’s SCBA representative shared plans to connect with Marion and Bourne through Wareham which are in need of funding.
The Feasibility Study
SRPEDD has been hired to conduct a Feasibility Study to determine the best way to connect Fall River to New Bedford with pathways. SCBA received funding from Community Preservation Commissions in Westport, Dartmouth and New Bedford for Phase 1. Phase 2 of the Feasibility Study is being funded by a MassTrails grant and a Bay Coast Bank Community Grant. For more information visit
More Local Cycling Opportunities
Readers can continue to celebrate Bike Month by following the routes found at, or create your own. Log your miles for Cycle September at
Team South Coast Bikeway is also training for their participation in the Buzzards Bay Watershed Ride for clean water on October 4. Join their team at
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