On Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, Fr. Davi Lupo, SSCC and parishioners of St. Mary’s Church in Fairhaven handed out palms and rosary beads, while maintaining social distancing protocols recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Churches have not held their traditional masses in person during the emergency measures that have stopped all gatherings of more than 10 people. Many churches are holding masses and inviting parishioners to participate using various electronic means, such as conference calls and meeting software like Zoom. Holy Week services will also have to be experienced remotelly, as the restrictions are ordered to stay in place in Massachusetts until at least May 4.
- Wearing a protective mask, Father David Lupo, SSCC, sprays a disinfectant on palms that he and parishioners of St. Mary’s Church in Fairhaven would soon pass out on Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, using a drive-through system to maintain the six-foot social distancing protocol recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
- Wearing a protective mask, Father David Lupo, SSCC, sprays palms with a disinfectant on Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, at St. Mary’s Church in Fairhaven, to pass them out using a drive-through system to maintain social distancing protocols recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
- Sharon McGraw waves palms to direct traffic while Father David Lupo, SSCC, hands palms through car windows at St. Mary’s Church in Fairhaven on Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, to maintain the six-foot social distancing protocol recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
- Wearing a protective mask, Father David Lupo, SSCC, passes a palm through a car window, and also has rosary beads on hand, on Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, using a drive-through system to maintain the six-foot social distancing protocol recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
- Wearing a protective mask, Father David Lupo, SSCC, and a parishioner hand out palms through a car window on Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, using a drive-through system to maintain the six-foot social distancing protocol recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
- Wearing a protective mask, Father David Lupo, SSCC, passes a palm through a car window, on Palm Sunday, 4/5/20, using a drive-through system to maintain the six-foot social distancing protocol recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
- Cars line up to receive palms and rosary beads on Palm Sunday, 4/4/20, at St. Mary’s Church in Fairhaven, using a drive-through system to maintain the six-foot social distancing protocol recommended during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo by Glenn C. Silva.
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