The Rev. Leslie Lopes Foster, a 1973 graduate of Fairhaven High School and that class’s vice president and prom queen, holds a copy of her first book, “Nana’s Gift.” Submitted photo.
Press Release
The writing of “Nana’s Gift: A Recipe for Mind, Body, and Spirit,” has been a five-year labor of love for me,” said former Fairhaven resident, the Rev. Leslie Lopes Foster.
It was originally intended to be no more than a legacy work for her eight grandchildren.
“Nana’s Gift…” is one family’s treasure chest filled with life lessons intended to be topical conversation starters between teenagers and their parents and/or grandparents around the dinner table. The author’s intermingling of her own family history, insights, faith, and favorite family recipes was meant to be a legacy gift to her grandchildren.
And yet, she said, “the more I wrote, the more I felt that the lessons I’ve learned along the way were far bigger than the characters and stories I wrote about and needed to be shared with a larger audience.”
Written from the author’s own Christian faith perspective, a few of the 31 topics covered in the book include:
Life will have its Difficulties
Be Your Authentic Self
Be Diligent
Embrace your Heritage
Choosing a Spouse
The pearls of wisdom shared and “Table Talk” questions provided at the end of each topic are meant to be catalysts for conversations that will strengthen any family’s internal relationships and become the building blocks for establishing any family’s legacy.
According to the Rev. Ms. Foster, “sharing life and connecting around the table can be among the most empowering of all family activities. It’s where traditions and values are passed down from generation to generation and where good, nourishing food for both body and soul is made even better by the company with whom it is shared. It is around the table that wisdom is passed along as a legacy of love.”
The Rev. Leslie Lopes Foster was born in New Bedford and raised in Fairhaven. She is now retired and resides with her husband, the Rev. Todd Foster, in Stratford, Connecticut. She was the vice president and prom queen of the Fairhaven High class of ’73. Her late father, Anthony “Jep” Lopes, (class of ’45) was a gridiron star and member of the Fairhaven High School Hall of Fame.
After 46 years of marriage, 43 years of parenting, 16 years of grandparenting, 12 years of teaching in Connecticut public schools, and 18 years as an associate pastor, Leslie offers unique, valuable insights. This is her first book.
Visit her author page on Amazon.com to buy. Paperback, 174 pages, $14.95.
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